Annual Commons Unplugged Week celebrates sustainability Oct. 15–21

The fourth annual Commons Unplugged environmental awareness week, from Sunday, Oct. 15, to Saturday, Oct. 21, will celebrate sustainability, natural-resource conservation and energy conservation through various events focusing on Vanderbilt’s first-year student population. These events are presented by The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons in partnership with the Sustainability and Environmental Management Office (SEMO), the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt, and Students Promoting Environmental Awareness and Responsibility (SPEAR).

October is Campus Sustainability Month.

Throughout the week of Commons Unplugged, first-year students will compete in a residence hall energy-conservation contest to earn points in the yearlong competition for the Commons Cup. The week will include three events open to the entire Vanderbilt community, and which first-year students will earn Commons Cup points for attending: the Green Forum, the Green Fair and the Green Activity.

  • The Green Forum: Wednesday, Oct.18, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Commons Center Room 237. Join us for a lecture featuring the English Department’s current writer-in-residence, Amanda Little. Little has done extensive reporting on climate-change issues, primarily concerning the environment, energy and technology.
  • The Green Fair: Thursday, Oct. 19, from 5 to 7 p.m., Commons Center Atrium. Visit the Green Fair to meet with organizations that make Vanderbilt and Nashville more sustainable. If you or your group is interested in a table at the Green Fair, email the Sustainability and Environmental Management Office. Tabling display space will be provided to participants at no charge.
  • The Green Activity: Saturday, Oct. 21, 3 p.m., Commons Center Room 237. First-year students will take part in a recycling sorting activity with their house team.

All events are free and open to the Vanderbilt community.

If your organization would like to participate in the Green Fair, contact the Sustainability and Environmental Management Office, (615) 322-9022. If you have questions about Commons Unplugged, contact Benjamin C. Fields.

Download the poster: Commons Unplugged Poster 2017