Chancellor Zeppos hosts seven lucky winners at the Predators season opener

Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos and the winners of the #UnitedInGold social media contest at the Nashville Predators' season opener Oct. 10. (Vanderbilt University)
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos and the winners of the #UnitedInGold social media contest at the Nashville Predators’ season opener Oct. 10. (Vanderbilt University)

Seven lucky Vanderbilt staff members joined Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos at the Nashville Predators’ season opener Oct. 10 at Bridgestone Arena, where they watched the game from a private box. The staff members and their guests were winners of the #UnitedInGold social media contest.

In partnership with the Office of the Chancellor, the Division of Communications promoted the contest, in which entrants were asked to post a photo of themselves holding up either the “VU” hand sign or the Predators’ “fang fingers,” along with the hashtag #UnitedInGold. More than 80 entries were received via Twitter, email and Instagram. To see a few of the winning entries, visit the Get Social website.

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by Aaliyah Symlar