The Office of the Dean of Students has organized several campus events to remember and mourn the victims of the tragedy in Las Vegas.
From 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 4, Inclusion Initiatives and Cultural Competence invites the entire Vanderbilt community to its event, “Community and Comfort Food,” in the Multicultural Lounge, 335 Sarratt Student Center. The event is an opportunity for fellowship and healing.
At noon on Monday, Oct. 9, the bell in the Kirkland Hall clock tower will chime in remembrance of those who died, those who remain in jeopardy, those who are recovering from their injuries, and those who are affected by what the victims and survivors have undergone.
Also on Monday, the All Faith Chapel on the ground floor of the Divinity School will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a time of prayer, reflection and community. All are welcome to visit the chapel anytime during these hours to reflect, light an electric candle, and/or share written reflections in an official register. Staff from the Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life and from the Psychological and Counseling Center will be available for counseling or conversation of any kind.
Campus resources to which students, faculty and staff may turn for assistance with coping not only with the events in Las Vegas, but with any number of issues they might be facing are listed below.
For faculty and staff
Employee Assistance Program
For students
Center for Student Wellbeing
1211 Stevenson Center Lane
Dean of Students Office
310 Sarratt Student Center 310
Office of Housing and Residential Education
4113 Branscomb Quadrangle,
Vanderbilt Place at 24th Avenue South
Psychological and Counseling Center
2015 Terrace Place
Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life
401 24th Avenue South