VUToday: Chancellor discusses strong Vanderbilt–Fisk partnership, electric eels in weekly roundup of VU news

University News and Communications publishes “VUToday,” a compilation of Vanderbilt mentions in the media, twice weekly. Read a selection of Vanderbilt news stories for the week of Sept. 18.

The Tennessee Tribune: Vanderbilt’s Chancellor Zeppos welcomes new Fisk “partner”
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos celebrates the strong partnership between Vanderbilt and Fisk universities.

The New York Times: Alive in stone, now in Mel Ziegler’s home
Mel Ziegler, Paul E. Shwab Professor of Fine Arts, discusses his art and his collection of Mount Rushmore memorabilia.

The Wall Street Journal: Opinion: How to end ObamaCare in two pages
James Blumstein, University Professor of Constitutional Law and Health Law and Policy, writes an opinion piece that offers a legislative strategy for the GOP’s push to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Smithsonian: How strong is a zap from an electric eel? Shockingly strong
Features a study by Ken Catania, Stevenson Professor of Biological Sciences. Catania researched an eel’s power firsthand by repeatedly being shocked in the name of science. Related articles were published by ZME Science and Gears of Biz.

Washington Post: Opioid Epidemic Laws Lead Panel to Revisit Recovery Schools
Andrew Finch, associate professor of the practice of human and organizational development, is quoted regarding positive effects schools have on preventing and reducing adolescent alcohol and drug use. A related story was posted in the Washington Times and Capital Bay.

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