The American Sociological Association has named Laura Stark of Vanderbilt University the winner of the prestigious Star-Nelkin Award.
Stark, associate professor of medicine, health and society, will receive the award Aug. 14 in Montreal.
The Star-Nekin Award goes to the author of the best scholarly article published in the past two years in the field of sociology of science, knowledge and technology. The winning article, co-written by Nancy D. Campbell, a professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, is titled “Making up ‘Vulnerable’ People: Human Subjects and the Subjective Experience of Medical Experiment.” It was published in the Social History of Medicine.
Stark, editor of the journal History and Theory, is the author of Behind Closed Doors: IRBs and the Making of Ethical Research, which was published in 2012 by University of Chicago Press. She has published several other works on the history of medicine, morality and the modern state, as well as pieces on social theory.