Final spring open forum on mental health, well-being to be held April 12

The Chancellor’s Strategic Planning Committee on Mental Health and Wellbeing invites staff, faculty, undergraduates and graduate and professional students to share their thoughts at a town hall-style listening session Wednesday, April 12, focusing on how the university can create a holistic and inclusive approach to supporting mental health and well-being at Vanderbilt.

The event will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Godchaux Nursing Annex, Room 155, and is the last in a series of open forums held during the spring semester to give Vanderbilt community members an opportunity to provide input.

The committee, comprising faculty, staff and students, is conducting a comprehensive review of existing campus resources and programs, with a special focus on how to reduce stigma any member of the campus community might experience in seeking support. The committee is looking at issues related to and that can impact mental health and well-being, such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, stress management, self-care, healthy relationships, sexual violence, trauma, academic pressures and access to care. The group also will consider the role that race, cultural identity, neurodiversity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion, socioeconomic status and other factors play.