Annual Cuninggim Lecture, Women’s Center Awards slated for March 23

The 2017 Cuninggim Lecture on Women in Culture and Society—presented Thursday, March 23, by the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center at Vanderbilt—will feature author and social justice scholar Monique W. Morris.

Morris’ lecture, “Pushout: Countering the Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools,” will be at 5 p.m. in the Student Life Center Board of Trust Room. The event is free and open to the public.

Prior to the talk, the Women’s Center will announce the recipients of this year’s Women’s Center Awards. Following the talk, Morris will sign her book.

The Cuninggim Lecture on Women in Culture and Society offers an occasion to raise awareness about the ways in which gender shapes and is shaped by our lived experiences. Each Cuninggim lecturer empowers Vanderbilt community members to expand their activist reach and become more involved in positive social change outside the university.

For more information, contact Rory Dicker, director of the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, at 615-343-5729.