Pavlovíc’s McDowell Fellowship precedes ‘Lost Art’ installation

Vesna Pavlovic, associate professor of art, spent part of summer 2016 at the McDowell Colony, the first artist colony in the United States. “I had the opportunity to work in a live-in studio space with uninterrupted time to create, test and receive valuable feedback on my work from other visiting fellows,” she said. “I had an open studio that looked like exhibition space, and I was able to produce some of the works that are part of my upcoming exhibition.”

Pavlovíc noted that McDowell fellows come from a wide variety of artistic disciplines. “There were writers, journalists, architects, composers, animators and others who provided a creative impetus for creating work and sharing that work for valuable feedback,” she said.

Her installation Lost Art, which includes projections of black-and-white images from the archive of the Museum of Yugoslav History on heavy gray curtains, is on display Nov. 4 through Dec. 11 and Jan. 3 through 22 at the Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery . The gallery is located on the Wake Forest University campus.

For more information, email Pavlovíc or call 336-758-5585.