Classes in Russian history and women’s biographies are two of the options to be previewed at Vanderbilt University’s Master of Liberal Arts and Science (MLAS) open house Monday, Dec. 12.
The event begins at 6 p.m. in Room 203 of Cohen Memorial Hall, 1220 21st Ave. S. Anyone curious about the MLAS program is encouraged to attend.
The MLAS program is designed for working adults, typically meeting one night or weekend day per week to explore topics in a graduate-level seminar format. MLAS classes cost about half the tuition of a standard Vanderbilt class, and further discounts are available to Vanderbilt employees.

Course offerings for the spring semester include:
Reading and Writing Women’s Autobiography with Kate Daniels, director of creative writing;
Music, Gender and Sexuality with Melanie Lowe, associate professor of musicology; and
(Soviet) Russia: 1917 to Now with Frank Wcislo, associate professor of history.

A Capstone course also will be available to veterans of the program.
For more information, see the MLAS website or telephone (615) 343-3140.