Twenty-five new endowed chairs named in honor of Vanderbilt University’s founder will expand the faculty in support of the university’s long-range vision to advance teaching and research, Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos and Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan R. Wente have announced. The new chairs will support the launch of key initiatives outlined in the Academic Strategic Plan, including Immersion Vanderbilt.
“An endowed chair is the highest honor a faculty member can receive,” Zeppos said. “It’s a recognition of scholarship, intellect and leadership. These new Cornelius Vanderbilt Chairs will help us recruit and retain faculty members who are breaking new ground, and they represent a further investment in advancing our vision.”
Wente said she will work directly with the deans of Vanderbilt’s 10 schools and colleges to make strategic appointments to the new chairs over the upcoming months.

“Faculty are the lifeblood of Vanderbilt. The 25 new chairs will fuel discovery and learning and will allow us to continue moving the university forward as we launch key initiatives outlined in the Academic Strategic Plan, including Immersion Vanderbilt,” she said.
Immersion Vanderbilt will help students discover their passion through intensive learning experiences—including research, scholarship and creative expression—outside the classroom. The program is currently being developed with input from faculty and staff from across campus.
A total of 187 chair holders have been honored since Zeppos announced the initiative to recruit and retain outstanding scholars and teachers in August 2010.