Grant proposals sought for health-oriented community research partnerships

Research - illustThe Meharry–Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core (CERC) invites proposals for activities that promote ongoing, mutually beneficial, health-oriented research partnerships between community organizations and academic researchers. Both academic and community partners are expected to contribute to the development of the proposal.

Applicants may propose a community-engaged research project (funding up to $10,000) or a partnership-development project (funding up to $2,500) that enables the partners to define and pursue an identified research agenda. The long-term goals of the research partnerships supported by mini-grants should be one or more of the following: (1) to improve community health outcomes; (2) to increase access to health and health-related services; (3) to enhance quality and effectiveness of health interventions; and/or (4) to inform future health policy.

Applicants must attend an informational session:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.: GoToMeeting webinar. Contact Clare Sullivan to RSVP.
  • To join the meeting, go here. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP); a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone:
      * United States: (571) 317-3116
      * United States (toll-free): (877) 309-2070
      * Access code: 644-074-877
      * Audio PIN: shown after joining the meeting
      * Meeting ID: 644-074-877

Proposal Due Date: Oct. 17, 2016

For more information go here, or contact Clare Sullivan.