Enter a drawing for one of four $50 Amazon gift cards by sharing your opinions on how Vanderbilt University communicates with its faculty and staff. The information gathered in the survey will be used to help shape future communications produced by University News and Communications and VU Human Resources.
The online survey, which solicits your opinions on Vanderbilt news and HR information, will be available through this link and on the MyVU website through Aug. 12. University News and Communications communicates with faculty and staff through its MyVU suite, which includes the twice-weekly MyVU e-newsletter, the MyVU website and the print edition of MyVU published a few times a year. Human Resources uses a broad platform of communication vehicles, from its website to face-to-face meetings to printed posters and fliers.
“We know our faculty and staff are busy, and we want to deliver important information in the manner that works best for them,” said Melanie Moran, executive director of integrated communications. “By investing 10 minutes to take the survey, you can influence what we do and how we do it.”
You can take the survey anonymously. If you’d like to be eligible for the gift card drawing, just include your name, Vanderbilt email and Vanderbilt phone number at the end of the survey.