Message to all university faculty and staff from Barbara Carroll, chief human resources officer

Nashville is likely to see its first inclement weather of the season starting in the very early hours of Wednesday morning. It sounds like there will be a mix of ice and some accumulating snow that will impact the Wednesday morning commute.
As a residential research institution, Vanderbilt University never really closes, and essential employees should make whatever plans necessary, in collaboration with their managers, to be available to ensure core services.
Each vice chancellor determines the specific service levels and operating needs of their units during inclement weather events. With VC approval, staff who are not otherwise designated as essential/core may use PTO rather than reporting to work if weather conditions warrant; such absences or late arrivals would not be considered unauthorized or subject to performance action. (Staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement are subject to established departmental policies regarding attendance.)
Please use caution and good judgment when planning your travel to work. We care about our community and want everyone to stay safe.
The Vanderbilt homepage will post periodic updates on the campus’s operational status due to the weather, so check for the latest information.
Barbara Carroll