Last year Vanderbilt University Libraries fielded 15,628 questions from individuals needing help with research, school assignments and more. Now those same libraries want the campus community to participate in an online survey to gain better understanding of the library needs of students, faculty and staff. In addition, the libraries will evaluate the quality of their services.
“We are hoping for a strong response from a large number of groups across campus, so that we can learn not only the ways in which we excel but also those areas in which we should improve,” says Jody Combs, interim dean of libraries.
Responses from previous surveys have been used to support the following improvements:
- Major renovations to the Central Library that added substantial exhibit, event and study space as well as a new café;
- A redesign of the library website; and
- Implementation of a faculty delivery service.
The survey, a product of the Association of Research Libraries, is used regularly by academic libraries around the world. It is relatively short and should take five to 10 minutes to complete. If you choose to participate, you can be assured that your responses will remain completely confidential.
Participants in the survey are eligible for a drawing for an iPad mini. To be considered for the drawing, please include your email address at the conclusion of the survey. Your email address will only be used for the drawing—it is not linked to your responses in any way.
Click here to access the survey, which will be available Nov. 2 through Dec. 2.
If you encounter any problems with the survey, please email librarysurvey@vanderbilt.edu.