SECURITY NOTICE: Two incidents of sexual assault reported

Two incidents of sexual assault were reported to Campus Security Authorities (CSA) this past week.

In one incident, a female student reported that she was in a residence hall when she was fondled by a male acquaintance.

In the other incident, a female student reported that she was asleep in a residence hall when she was sexually assaulted by another female student.

This security notice is being issued to remind students that:

  • Sexual assault does not just occur between strangers.
  • Sex without consent is sexual assault.
  • Sexual assault is a crime.
  • Not responding to sexual advances is not giving consent.
  • Consent is actual words or actions indicating a freely given agreement to engage in sexual activity.

The Vanderbilt University Police Department is available to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you need emergency assistance, call (615) 421-1911. For nonemergency assistance, call (615) 322-2745.

The Project Safe Center offers a support line 24 hours a day, seven days a week at (615) 322-SAFE (7233).

The Psychological and Counseling Center (PCC) offers support and resources as well.  They can be reached at (615) 322-2571.

Contact: Vanderbilt University Police Department, (615) 322-2745