Holocaust Lecture Series ends Nov. 3 with panel on genocide and sexual violence

Vanderbilt’s 38th Annual Holocaust Lecture Series ends Tuesday, Nov. 3, with a panel discussion about genocide and sexual violence at 7 p.m. in The Commons Center Multipurpose Room 235/237. This year’s series theme is “Gender and Genocide.”

Shame-filled and stigma-fearing silences, sexism, and the nonrecognition of sexual violence have contributed to the marginalization — if not outright omission — of the frequency and function of sexual violence in genocides, from Nazi-occupied Europe to 1990s Bosnia, and from 1970s Cambodia to Darfur and Eastern Congo in the new millennium.

This conceptual failure has contributed to the perpetuation of both unaddressed past trauma and possible future trauma. This panel adds to the international efforts to end the silence and to prevent further victimization.

More can be found on the Holocaust Lecture Series website. The series is sponsored by the Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life.

Contact: Mike Zimmerman, (615) 343-9808