Enrollment is now open for the summer 2015 program of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Reading Clinic. The summer program begins June 15 and will consist of six weeks of daily 40-minute tutoring sessions scheduled Monday through Thursday.
The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Reading Clinic provides individualized, one-to-one tutoring using assessments and evidence-based instructional methods shown to promote reading.
The summer session aims to serve struggling readers in grades K-8. Students will undergo non-diagnostic entry assessments to determine instructional needs and target individual tutoring. Progress will be measured regularly, with instruction adjusted accordingly. Parents will receive regular updates on their child’s progress during the session.
To apply for the summer 2015 session or for more information about fall 2015 or spring 2016 sessions, call (615) 936-5118 or email readingclinic@vanderbilt.edu.