Several of Davidson County’s most prominent judges and attorneys will speak to a Vanderbilt University undergraduate Judicial Procedure class this semester.
“I strive to introduce the students to members of the Tennessee bench and bar over the course of the semester, to hear firsthand what it is like to practice law,” said Carrie A. Russell, senior lecturer and director of undergraduate studies in political science at Vanderbilt. “It is always my goal to give Vanderbilt students as many resources to draw from as possible when it comes to succeeding in law school and life after law school.”
Visitors are invited to hear the speakers. The class meets from 11 a.m. to noon on Thursdays in Room 335 of The Commons Center.
The speakers on Feb. 5 are U.S. District Judge Aleta Trauger, U.S. District Judge Todd Campbell, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jimmie Lynn Ramsaur, and Nashville attorney Tim Warnock of Riley, Warnock and Jacobson.
Speakers on Feb. 19 are District Attorney General Glenn Funk of the 20th Judicial District and Metropolitan Public Defender Dawn Deaner of Nashville-Davidson County.