The NCAA Women’s Final Four is right around the corner. This event will take place April 6-8 at Bridgestone Arena, and your help is needed. If you have already registered to volunteer, no need to do so again.
All volunteers are required to attend an orientation session prior to the Final Four, where you will go through training and receive general information about the event. Dates and times are on the registration site.
Volunteers must sign up for a minimum of two and no more than four shifts. When you confirm your selection, you will receive an email with a full itinerary.
Once you have completed registration you will receive a volunteer uniform that consists of a Nike polo and pullover that must be worn with khaki pants/shorts/skirt. Volunteers must be 18 or older to participate and must be out of high school. A list of available volunteer opportunities is below.
Key volunteer opportunities still available:
- Tourney Town – Saturday, April 5; Sunday, April 6; and Tuesday, April 8
- The 6th Man – Thursday, April 3–Tuesday, April 8
- Official Team Hotel Welcome Desks – Thursday, April 3–Tuesday, April 8
- Broadway Bounce Refreshed by Coca-Cola – Saturday, April 5
- 4Kay Run presented by Northwestern Mutual – Saturday, April 5
For additional information or questions, contact WFFVolunteers@NashvilleSports.com.