World-renowned Quebec roots band Genticorum will perform live at Vanderbilt’s Sarratt Cinema on March 27 at 8 p.m. The concert is presented by the Department of French and Italian.
For more than a decade, Genticorum has been a fixture on the international world, traditional, folk and Celtic music circuits. Firmly rooted in the soil of their native Quebec, this dynamic trio incorporates today’s North American and European folk cultures into their music.
In anticipation of the concert, all French language courses at Vanderbilt this semester have included content on Quebec, from short stories to folks songs and films. An upper level course on the literature and culture of Quebec also was offered.
Vanderbilt students, staff and faculty will be admitted free with Vanderbilt ID. Tickets for the general public will be available at the door: $15 for general admission and $5 for full-time non-Vanderbilt students.
Learn more on Facebook.
Coming soon: An April 8 screening of the film C.R.A.Z.Y., directed by Quebec’s Jean-Marc Vallée (Dallas Buyers Club), as part of the International Lens film series.
Contact: Susan Kevra