The 2014 Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Science Day is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Student Life Center.
More than 100 presenters—from undergraduate students to post-doctoral fellows—have submitted posters of recent research to be viewed by their peers, faculty and the public. In addition, many of these presenters will show their work to faculty judges, who will give travel awards to the top presenters in each of the three theme areas: systems neuroscience, cellular and molecular neuroscience, and clinical, behavioral and intervention research.
Winners of the travel awards will be announced on Wednesday, Jan. 15, on the VKC website as well as in Jan. 20’s Monday Morning Message, the VKC’s weekly e-newsletter.
The 2014 VKC Science Day is free and open to the public. To register or to view the schedule, visit the VKC Events Calendar page.
written by Elizabeth Turner