Bid on sailboat in sealed auction by Sept. 13

This sailboat is up for bid in a sealed auction being held by Plant Operations. (Vanderbilt University)

Vanderbilt Plant Services’ storage and surplus warehouse is holding an online sealed-bid auction of a used sailboat belonging to the Vanderbilt Navy R.O.T.C. The auction takes place now through Friday, Sept. 13, 2013.

This auction is open to Vanderbilt staff, faculty and students as well as the general public.

To learn more, visit the Plant Services website, then:

  • Click on “Purchase Surplus Equipment” in the right-hand column
  • Enter into the “search” box the following: 13431

The sale is final with no warranty and no returns. To request a bid form (one per vehicle) call (615) 936-4622 or visit the office at the below address.

All bid forms must be sealed and received prior to 4 p.m. (CST) Friday, Sept. 13, 2013, at this address:

VUMC Storage and Services
Attn: Sealed Bid
700 Fort Negley Ct.
Nashville, TN 37203

Winner will be notified.

Contact: (615) 936-4626