As we begin the new academic year I want to welcome everyone and thank you for your many contributions and great devotion to Vanderbilt. These are times of amazing progress for Vanderbilt, but as recent events reflect, also times of great challenge.
Construction and other activities continued apace soon after Commencement. Moore and Warren residential colleges show the timeless beauty of the university which finds its ancient roots in medieval centers of learning, and the American educational experience. They also speak loudly and clearly to our values and culture, and our people.
Friendship, civility, collegiality, and a deep and constant sense of integrity, mutual respect, and caring for each other guide the Commodore’s most sturdy and lasting vessel. Indeed, for all the great beauty of our campus, we all know these are the truly special qualities of Vanderbilt.
I write to emphasize the responsibility we share to act in ways that fulfill our core values and our obligation to follow Vanderbilt policies. We are a large and complex institution, with thousands of students, teachers, staff, and visitors who interact each day. But we thrive and succeed only when each of us acts with integrity, honesty, care, and mutual respect. As our governing principles, which can be found on our Compliance Program webpage, state:
Vanderbilt University is committed to the highest standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in pursuit of its mission of education, research, patient care, and public service. All members of the Board of Trust, the chancellor, general officers, members of the executive administration, administrative officers, members of the faculty and staff, and others representing Vanderbilt University are expected to adhere to these standards of conduct in the discharge of their duties.
The year ahead will present endless opportunities to improve our world and care for others. Please let our core values guide all that you do, and be a model for all who are part of our community.
I extend my best wishes for this new academic year and look forward to realizing all the promise it holds for us as a strong and close-knit community. It is my privilege to serve as your Chancellor.
Nicholas S. Zeppos