Universitywide limited submission opportunity in mathematics

Vanderbilt may nominate two candidates in mathematics for the Simons Investigators in the Mathematics, Physics and Theoretical Computer Science program, which supports faculty for at least five years at $100,000 per year. Renewal for an additional five years is contingent upon the evaluation of scientific impact of the Investigator.

The Simons Investigator award aims to support outstanding scientists, enabling them to undertake long-term investigations of fundamental questions and provide leadership to the field and effective mentoring to junior scientists.

To be an Investigator, the scientist must be engaged in theoretical research related to the program and have a primary appointment as a faculty member and not have previously been a Simons Investigator.

Anyone interested in being considered as Vanderbilt’s nominee must submit the following (in PDF format) to by Sept. 9, 2013, at 5 p.m.:

  • A brief (two-page maximum) research plan including summary budget;
  • A brief statement of support from department chair/center director; and
  • A brief CV or NIH biosketch.

Submissions should reference the program name and the scientific track (mathematics, physics or theoretical computer science) that is being applied for in the subject line of the email.

Once received, all proposals will be forwarded to an internal review committee that will choose the final nominee. The chosen nominees will submit a full proposal to the foundation by the Oct. 28, 2013, deadline.

If you have any questions, please contact Director of Foundation Relations Julie Koh at 343-6469.

Contact: Julie Koh, (615) 343-6469