Ehud Barak’s Impact Symposium lecture rescheduled from earlier date

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak will appear at Vanderbilt University on Sunday, April 7, as part of Vanderbilt’s 2013 Impact Symposium. His upcoming lecture was rescheduled from March 18. This will be Barak’s first appearance on a college campus since ending his term as Israel’s minister of defense in March 2013.
Barak will speak at 7 p.m. in Langford Auditorium. Patrons can exchange their ticket stubs from the earlier event for new tickets to the April 7 lecture at the Sarratt Student Center box office, or they may acquire new tickets.
Tickets are free to Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff. Two free tickets may be picked up with a Vanderbilt I.D. at the Sarratt box office.
Tickets for the general public are $10 at the Sarratt box office or any Ticketmaster outlet. Tickets also may be purchased at Non-Vanderbilt students with a college or university I.D. may purchase tickets for $5 at the Sarratt box office or any Ticketmaster outlet.
The theme of this year’s Impact Symposium is “Dimensions of Peace and Conflict.” Barak served as Israel’s minister of defense and deputy prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, retiring on March 19, 2013. Before that, he was the 10th prime minister of Israel from 1999 to 2001.
Barak presided over an unprecedented economic boom in Israel, but the core of his government’s effort was devoted to the peace process. In May 2000, he ordered the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces from South Lebanon, ending 18 years of Israel’s presence there. He also led far-reaching efforts to negotiate peace agreements, first with Syria and later with the Palestinian authority, with the active participation of President Bill Clinton and his administration.
Barak’s lecture follows Impact appearances by former Sen. George Mitchell on March 18 and Nobel Peace Prize winner Leymah Gbowee on March 19.
Now in its 49th year, Vanderbilt’s Impact Symposium is one of the oldest university lecture series of its caliber in the nation. The Vanderbilt University Speakers Committee, a student-run organization, hosts the event. For more information, visit the Vanderbilt Speakers Committee website.
Please note: Large handbags are not recommended on the Langford Auditorium premises as they will be subject to mandatory security searches.
For event details and ticket information, contact Bridgette Kohnhorst at (615) 322-2471.