Students receiving bachelor’s degrees in May 2012 left Vanderbilt overwhelmingly satisfied with their university experience, results of an annual survey indicate.
The survey found that 2012 graduates reported high levels of satisfaction with their overall experience, with residential life, and with career services offered by the university.
Key survey findings include:
- Outgoing seniors reported overall satisfaction with Vanderbilt at a rate of 95.1 percent, while 83.6 percent of students said they would probably or definitely attend Vanderbilt again.
- Satisfaction with career services reached an all-time high of 70.2 percent, up 4.5 percent over 2011 levels.
- A new category of satisfaction with residential life was added in 2012, and results indicated that 80 percent of survey respondents were generally or very satisfied with their residential life experience.
- In 2012, survey results indicated that work on faculty research showed the largest gain ever, increasing to a rate of 27.7 percent. Previously, the rate held at or just below 23 percent for the past four years.
- In contrast, satisfaction with recreation/athletic facilities dropped by almost 5 percent from the previous year, to an all-time low of 78.7 percent. In April, Vanderbilt’s Board of Trust approved a construction project that will significantly enhance the existing Student Recreation Center and add a new multipurpose athletic facility to campus.
The survey was conducted by the Vanderbilt Institutional Research Group.