Vanderbilt employees who want to be part of the action for the 2012 Commodore football season have the opportunity to purchase their season tickets using payroll deduction.
In addition to receiving a discounted price on their season tickets, Vanderbilt employees can elect to spread the cost of the purchase of their tickets over three months. Season tickets are on sale now and feature six home football games, including contests vs. South Carolina, Florida, Auburn and Tennessee.
“It is our hope that by offering employees the opportunity to spread the payment of their season tickets across three months that more will choose to purchase the discounted tickets offered and be a part of the excitement of Commodore football,” Director of Sales and Marketing Steve Walsh said.
Season tickets are normally $261, but Vanderbilt employees can get them at the discounted price of $181, or three payments of $60.33.
To take advantage of the payroll deduction offer, visit the ticket office located on the first floor of the McGugin Center (across the street from the football and baseball stadiums).
Employees will have to show their Vanderbilt ID and sign payroll deduction paperwork to qualify for the program.
Contact: Vanderbilt Ticket Office, (615) 322-GOLD (4653)