The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities will co-host the fourth annual Tennessee Adult Brothers and Sisters (TABS) Conference April 20-21 at the Holiday Inn Select Vanderbilt.
TABS is a statewide network that provides information, resources and support for adults who have a brother or sister with a disability or mental health disorder.
“Being an adult sibling of a brother or sister with a disability has its rewards and challenges,” said Ashley Coulter, sibling project coordinator at the Kennedy Center. “Support from peers can generate opportunities for emotional growth, aid in making connections with services and supports, and enable a stronger and more fulfilling bond with your sibling.”
The conference keynote speaker is John Kramer, co-founder of the Sibling Leadership Network and research associate for the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts.
Presentations will cover topics such as grief and housing. Breakout sessions will include opportunities for sharing information on employment for people with disabilities, TennCare rights, navigating health insurance coverage, sexuality, and people with disabilities and siblings-in-law.
Advance registration is requested. The fee is $50 ($25 for students) and includes registration, meals and snacks, and a TABS gift. Register online or call (615) 343-0545.
In addition to the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, sponsors include the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities, The Arc of Tennessee, University of Tennessee Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, Tennessee School for the Deaf, Siblings United, East Tennessee State University and Holiday Inn Select Vanderbilt.