Vanderbilt has received a record 28,306 undergraduate applications for the fall 2012 semester, 3,658 (15 percent) more than at the same time last year.
The number of applications is up across all geographic regions and ethnic groups, says Douglas Christiansen, vice provost for enrollment and dean of admissions. All four undergraduate schools have seen a record number of applications.
“Vanderbilt is clearly fulfilling its promise as a national and world university,” Christiansen says. “We’re still processing the applications, but it appears that all the quality factors such as class rank, rigor of course work, leadership, extracurricular activities and test scores will all increase this year, too.”
The number of applications from international students increased 32 percent. Within the U.S., applications climbed by 29 percent in the West, 13.5 percent in the Southwest, 14.6 percent in the South, and 10 percent in the New York area. Increases were across all racial categories.
On the graduate level, applications were up 12 percent, with 7,855 received as of Jan. 15, says Dennis G. Hall, vice provost for research and dean of the graduate school.