The Office for Teaching and Learning in Medicine is now accepting proposals for Great Ideas in Vanderbilt Medical Education (GIVME), which seeks to fund innovative pilot research and development projects for teaching and learning at Vanderbilt.
Vanderbilt School of Medicine faculty, fellows and house staff may submit proposals for UME, GME, CME and Laboratory Sciences projects. In general, three $5,000 awards will be available and will commence July 1, 2012.
This year, GIVME will provide awards related to one or more of the broad priorities in which the School of Medicine and OTLM are engaged in research and development efforts. Awards will ordinarily be $5,000 for each accepted project but may vary slightly according to each request. A senior educational researcher will be assigned to each award recipient to assist in the successful completion of the project.
The priorities for this year’s awards are:
- Continuous Learning from Core Competences across the continuum (UME, GME, CME);
- An outcomes innovation for assessing students or evaluating educational programs;
- Curriculum development related to Curriculum 2.0, especially in eLearning;
- Simulation education and research, especially using the CTSA resources.
Applications may be submitted through May 29. The submission guidelines for the GIVME awards are available online.
Contact: John Shatzer, (615) 936-8555