Johnny Vanderpool, emergency preparedness coordinator for Vanderbilt Environmental Health and Safety at Vanderbilt University, was among 65 candidates approved by the IAEM USA-Certification Commission to receive the Certified Emergency Manager credential.
The CEM is the highest honor of professional achievement available from the International Association of Emergency Managers, which has in its membership more than 4,500 individuals representing the government, private industry and the military.
Applicants were evaluated based on experience, references, education, training and contributions to the profession, as well as a management essay and written examination.
Candidates in Vanderpool’s credentialing class included emergency managers from across the country representing American Red Cross, Boston Fire Department, Federal Emergency Management Association, U.S. Army Reserves, Argonne National Laboratory, and more.
Begun in 1993, there are a total of 1,788 individuals have earned the CEM designation to date.
The Vanderbilt Office of Emergency Preparedness, launched in September of 2011, is a joint venture between Vanderbilt Environmental Health and Safety and the Vanderbilt University Police Department.
The program’s website is a gathering place for campus emergency guides, tips and information.