The Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law will host its annual symposium from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, in the law school’s Flynn Auditorium.
The symposium, titled “Copyright and Creativity: Perspectives on Fixation, Authorship and Expression,” will focus on legal issues surrounding copyright and creative forms. Stakeholders will come together for dialogue regarding the evolution of both law and creative expression.
Panels will address the intersection of copyright and arguably creative works, exploring questions such as, should copyright law afford such works categorical protection? And should copyright doctrines change in order to promote creativity? The symposium’s mission is to encourage the critical examination of fundamental copyright concepts and assumptions.
The event, which is open to the general public, will feature eminent copyright scholars and creative industry professionals.
Visit the Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law’s website for more information.
Contact: Kelly Donley