Tornado risk increases in November; sign up for AlertVU notification

November can be one of the busiest months for tornadoes in Tennessee as cold air clashes with the remnants of summer’s warm temperatures in the South. To be notified about a tornado warning or other emergency incident at Vanderbilt, sign up for AlertVU, the university’s emergency notification system.

AlertVU rapidly sends messages to the delivery points a subscriber chooses – cell phone (voice or text), land line phone or email account – in the event of an emergency that poses an imminent threat or danger to the Vanderbilt community. It is available free* to students, faculty and staff on a voluntary, opt-in basis. Your information is private and will not be shared.

AlertVU is just one of Vanderbilt’s emergency notification tools. Other tools, which include security notices, mass emails and tornado sirens, also will be used when warranted.

To register, update your account or find out more, visit the AlertVU website.

*There is no charge to receive AlertVU messages. If you choose to receive text messages, however, you cell phone carrier may charge you to receive them.

Contact: Johnny Vanderpool
, (615) 343-4804