Kathryn Stockett, author of the acclaimed-book-turned-major-motion-picture The Help, will speak at the Vanderbilt Student Life Center ballroom, Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 7 p.m.
Tickets for the event are on sale now. General public tickets are $10 at the Sarratt box office at Vanderbilt’s Sarratt Student Center or any Ticketmaster outlet. Tickets also may be purchased online at Ticketmaster, or by calling (800) 745-3000.
Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff can pick up one free ticket and must show their Vanderbilt identification card at the Sarratt box office. Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff requiring additional tickets may purchase them at the general admission price of $10.
Non-Vanderbilt students with their college or university identification cards may purchase tickets for $5 at the Sarratt box office or any Ticketmaster outlet.

Born and raised in Jackson, Miss., Stockett graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in English and creative writing and moved to New York City, where she worked in magazine publishing and marketing for nine years. Her first novel, The Help, is a New York Times bestseller.
Set in 1962, The Help tells the story of three women – Skeeter, a 22-year-old white woman who has just graduated from Ole Miss, and black maids Aibileen and Minny – and how together they challenge the racial lines drawn in Jackson, Miss.
The hit film of the same name was released this summer starring Emma Stone as Skeeter, Academy Award-nominated Viola Davis as Aibileen and Octavia Spencer as Minny.