Register for Oct. 17-21 DigitalVU events

DigitalVU is in its third week, with a full slate of speakers and events. The month of workshops, open houses, lectures, discussions and more is designed to share information on all things online, from social media, to video, to programming topics and more with members of the Vanderbilt community.

View a current listing of events and RSVP.

More information about the month’s events, with descriptions, speakers and locations, is also available on the University Calendar.

Upcoming events include:

  • Oct. 18: Using Flipboard to keep up with news feeds, Twitter and Facebook
    Short demo by University Web Communications’ Lacy Tite on how to use the free iPad app Flipboard to keep track of all your favorite news, photos, Twitter, Facebook, RSS and other online sources of information. Lacy will cover how to add your favorite Vanderbilt news sources as well. Have an ipad?  Bring it to this session and you can set up FlipBoard while we’re there.
    11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., 238 Hill Center 238
  • Oct. 19-21: Live Streaming of EDUCAUSE Conference
    Wouldn’t it be great if you could to go Philadelphia to enter a discussion session with Linda Cureton, CIO of NASA, talking about social media in education? Or Mark David Milliron, President of the Gates Foundation, to talk about the implication of new technology and changing analytics? This year you don’t have to leave campus – ITS is hosting the EDUCAUSE e-Conference right here at Vanderbilt.
    All day event. View detailed schedule. 221 Hill Center
  • Oct. 19: Promoversity: Create Vanderbilt-branded products for your program online
    Doug Murphy with Promoversity will be demonstrating the new online promotional design tool for Vanderbilt and taking us behind the scenes on how the site was developed, some of the challenges, etc. Promoversity will be working with our new bookstore, Barnes & Noble to provide this service.
    11 a.m. – 12 p.m., 189 Sarratt Student Center
  • Oct. 20: Understanding the Google Search Appliance
    A panel discussion from the Vanderbilt Google Search Appliance team (Lacy Tite, University Web Communications; Ryan Huber, Strategic Marketing; Anna Belle Leiserson, VICC; Jonathan Dees, Strategic Marketing) demonstrating how the search appliance is being used across the Vanderbilt Web presence and how you can increase your department’s visibility in search results by submitting keymatches, giving an overview of collections and front ends, and answering general search appliance questions.
    1 – 2 p.m., Suite 110 Baker Building, Registrar’s Conference Room
  • Oct. 20: Using technology to engage students beyond the classroom walls
    This session with Corbette Doyle, lecturer in organizational studies, and graduate student Stephanie Milne provides a hands-on look at Twitter as a tool to encourage students to think critically about course content–before, during, and after class. To increase faculty comfort with the technology that will be discussed, participants are encouraged to post a question in advance of the session. Poll Everywhere, a cell phone “clicker” application that does not require advance registration, will also be used in the session.
    4 – 5 p.m., Center for Teaching
  • Oct. 21: Data Center Tour
    Ever wonder what a data center looks like? Is the Google Search Appliance box really yellow? This is your chance to find out with Computer Operations Manager Peter Woods. Limited to six people.
    4 – 4:30 p.m., Hill Center

If you have expertise on a technology topic and would like to host a session, please contact University Web Communications. The schedule will continue to evolve as the month continues.

The month is co-coordinated by Medical Center Web and Creative Services and University Web Communications with support from the Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Information Technology Services and partners across campus.