Did you recently get married? Have a baby? These and some other types of events are considered family status changes and, when they occur, may give you eligibility to make changes to your benefits or to your covered dependents.
Now there’s online access to make these benefit changes:
1. Complete and submit the request online to make a Family Status Change. If you don’t have a computer, please call the Employee Service Center at 343-7000. Paper forms will no longer be available or accepted.
2. By the next business day, we will email you a link to the Family Status Change Tool to finalize your transaction. You will log in to the tool and make your benefits changes. Important: you need to make your benefits changes within two business days.(If you miss the two-day window to complete your Family Status Change, you will need to complete and submit another Family Status Change Request.)
3. Once you’ve submitted your changes, you will receive an email confirming that your new benefits selections have been processed.
4. C2HR will show your updated information within two business days. To see your new benefits selections at any time, log in to C2HR and then click on the blue “Benefits” tab.
Learn more about Family Status Changes on the HR website.
Contact: Employee Service Center (615) 343-7000