UPDATE to Oct. 6 Security Alert

The Vanderbilt University Police Department has filed charges against a suspect in the Oct. 6 case involving an intruder to a bathroom in Scales House in Branscomb Quadrangle.

Charged with two misdemeanor counts – observation without consent and trespassing – the suspect, a Vanderbilt University Medical Center employee, has been terminated and instructed not to return to campus.

A female student reported spotting an intruder while she was in the shower in Scales House on Thursday night, Oct. 6. VUPD and Office of Housing and Residential Education personnel responded immediately and coordinated efforts to increase police presence in the vicinity of the residence halls.

Video footage from the university’s extensive video security system revealed that the suspect “piggybacked” (followed an authorized student) his way through several doors with card readers to get into Scales House.

Please remember these risk reduction tips:

  • Have your key ready in hand to quickly access the door of your vehicle or building.
  • Avoid isolated or dark areas.
  • Lock doors and windows of your room/building. Don’t prop open doors, thwart security measures or let strangers in.
  • If you can do so safely, do not allow others to “piggyback” behind you into residence halls.
  • If someone “piggybacks” on your entry and you feel uncomfortable or concerned about speaking to them directly, call VUPD immediately.
  • Report any suspicious persons to VUPD. Be prepared to describe the person as best as you can.
  • Watch out for each other. If you see someone who looks like they do not belong in the residence hall, call VUPD.
  • Stay alert and trust your instincts. If you feel uneasy, leave the area and plan ahead for “What if …” situations.

Students with questions or concerns may call VUPD at (615) 322-2745 or the Office of Housing and Residential Education at (615) 322-2591, or may speak to their resident advisers or area coordinators.

Contact: Vanderbilt University Police Department, (615) 322-2745