A look through the photographer’s lens at contemporary Darfur is the subject of a Holocaust Lecture Series event Sunday, Oct. 2.
“Darfur/Darfur” will feature a series of projected images set to music to place the brutal realities faced in Darfur in context with the region’s vibrant culture and people. The event is scheduled for 7 p.m. in Sarratt Cinema.
The 15-minute screening will be followed by a talk by Jen Marlowe regarding the current situation on the ground in Sudan. Marlowe is a Seattle-based author, documentary filmmaker, playwright and human rights advocate who in 2004, with colleagues Adam Shapiro and Aisha Bain, traveled to Northern Darfur and Eastern Chad to make the award-winning documentary Darfur Diaries: Message from Home and wrote the accompanying book Darfur Diaries: Stories of Survival.
Darfur Diaries was included in the 2007 edition of The Best American Non-Required Reading, edited by Dave Eggers.
Visit here for more information on “Holocast Remains,” the 34th Annual Holocaust Lecture Series at Vanderbilt.
Contact: Gretchen Person, (615) 322-2457