Information Technology Services has deployed a new catalog in eProcurement for ordering ITS products and services as an alternative to using paper processes.
For groups who do not currently use eProcurement for purchasing, follow these steps:
1) Individuals who currently fill out the 1180, purchase requisition, etc. need to be set up in eProcurement as Creators.
2) Individuals who would approve the purchases need to be set up as Executor for the center numbers they are authorized to approve purchases.
3) To set up all roles (see also Reviewer, Viewer, etc.), visit the eProcurement website.
4) Procurement provides on-line training for these roles. Valid VUNetIDs and passwords are required to access the training. It is advisable that creators and approvers should complete this training right away.
To learn more, visit the eProcurement website.
ITS invites customers to participate and provide feedback through an eProcurement survey.
For more information,e-mail its@vanderbilt.edu.