Art and science are not mutually exclusive.
On the contrary, these two important fields of human endeavor often draw from and inspire each other. Think Leonardo da Vinci and Benjamin Franklin.
A 21st century version of this cross-fertilization currently is on display at Nashville’s gallery F. @ Scarritt Bennett, 1000 19th Ave. S. (corner of Grand Ave.), part of the Scarritt-Bennett Center.
Gallery curators Matt Christy and Perrin Ireland selected images created by Vanderbilt University scientists and by visual artists whose work is inspired by science. By rendering the invisible visible, these images reflect both the marvelous complexity of the natural world and the irrepressible spirit of life.
The exhibit, entitled “Figure 1: Scientists and Artists Picture the Intangible,” continues through Nov. 14 and is free and open to the public.
For more information, contact Sabine Schlunk at 320-4651 or sschlunk@scarrittbennett.org.