“Symphonic Music: Hear More, Enjoy More with New Ears,” a popular listener-appreciation class at Blair School of Music, now meets Wednesday afternoons.
Mitchell Korn leads an engaging and participatory discussion of classical repertoire for Blair School of Music’s adult education program, which is tied to the Nashville Symphony’s current season.
Discussions focus on listening skills, the composer’s personal and artistic thinking, social and cultural factors, and the pure enjoyment of an aesthetic understanding of music. Guest artists will help bring the music to life. Featured composers will include Copland, Beethoven, Strauss, Mahler and more.
Korn is a senior lecturer at Blair, founder and president of Artsvision, and former vice president of education and community engagement at the Nashville Symphony. Symphony Magazine has called him “a music education guru,” and the Wall Street Journal has described him as a “one-man arts education industry.”
Korn is a Bard College senior fellow for arts education policy and continues to advise The Cleveland Orchestra and San Francisco Symphony on music education issues. He is credited in helping to restore music education to major American cities, including his Annenberg Initiative for New York, the CAPE program for Chicago and the San Francisco School of the Arts.
“Symphonic Music: Hear More, Enjoy More with New Ears” meets 1:10-3 p.m. on select Wednesdays. The class meets at Blair, Room 2133.
Course dates:
Sept. 7 and 21
Oct. 5, 12 and 26
Nov. 2, 16 and 30
Registration begins Aug. 1. Interested students can download the registration form from Blair’s website.
The entire cost for adult students is $245 ($205 for the class plus $40 registration fee). To register, students must complete the registration form and return it to:
Blair School of Music
Vanderbilt University
Attn: Registrar, PCA Program
For more information, contact trisha.johns@vanderbilt.edu.