Fed Ex has recently added a new service, “2nd Day a.m.,” which could cause some confusion for Vanderbilt Fed Ex users.
Normally, a second day service should be less expensive than any of the overnight services; however, that is not currently the case, due to this rate anomaly.
Vanderbilt’s Fed Ex rates, through the Tennessee State contract, are substantially discounted. Because this is a new service, it is not included in the contract so any shipments using “2nd Day a.m.” on our account will be charged at the full list price, costing more than our other discounted rates (such as overnight and other second day delivery).
This will be adjusted when the new contract is issued in January 2012. In the meantime, avoid using the “2nd Day a.m.” service. This does not affect any of the other other service rates.
Contact: Vanderbilt University Procurement Services (PDS), 615-322-2754