New outdoor electronic exhibit draws visitors into libraries’ renovated galleries

Vanderbilt library electronic exhibit
(Steve Green/Vanderbilt)

If you’ve walked or driven recently by the 21st Avenue side of Vanderbilt’s Central Library and Special Collections, you’ve probably noticed the new electronic exhibit with five-foot-tall images mounted on the building’s exterior corner closest to the Divinity School.

“That building corner presented the perfect opportunity to convey some of the new vitality within the library, while energizing the campus’ public edge with restrained, but visually sophisticated graphics,” Judson Newbern, deputy vice chancellor of facilities and environment, said.

The outdoor LED exhibit will help build visibility for the libraries’ beautifully renovated spaces and expanded exhibition program, according to Connie Vinita Dowell, dean of libraries. “[rquote]We hope our external exhibit will encourage visits from the Nashville community and campus and create an awareness of our exhibit programs as well as our rare and diverse collections.[/rquote]”

Currently, the exhibit holds a fraction of the visually interesting materials housed in the library’s collections. Over time digitized assets from Special Collections will be added, Jody Combs, assistant dean for information technology, said.

Combs noted that the technology supporting the exhibit includes 40 feet of five-foot-tall LED color display panels. “This is a new and exciting venture for academic libraries that is drawing admiration from our colleagues in other research universities.”

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