Our 2009-2010 donor roll recognizes our donors, reflecting gifts made to Peabody College between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010. Where known, alumni of Peabody College and Vanderbilt University are listed by their full name. Please contact Lauren Widelitz at (615) 936-5510 or lauren.widelitz@vanderbilt.edu to let us know about any omissions or errors on this donor list or to request removal of your name from this and all future online donor rolls.
The Roundtable Donor Society
Dedicated to the support of Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, the Roundtable was established in 1982 by alumni, parents and friends who recognized the exceptional role of Peabody as a private institution with a public mission. Through gifts of $1,000 or more annually, Roundtable members continue to advance Peabody’s essential work in teacher education, school reform, social policy and human development and help assure Peabody’s place in the top tier of American institutions in these fields. To join, visit our giving website at http://peabody.vanderbilt.edu/gift.xml.

Cornelius Vanderbilt Founder’s Level
(Annual gifts of $25,000 and above)
Campbell Collaboration
Anne and John C. Doscas
Karen and Douglas M. Dunn
Carolyn M. Everston
Cathy and J. Warren Gorrell Jr.
Patricia Ingram Hart and H. Rodes Hart
Rochelle and Howard N. Kivell
Heidi M. Greene and Michael J. Kluger
Rita and John P. Madden
Courtney Cranz Madden and John W. Madden II
Kelly and Steven H. Madden
Alexandra and John Mosko
Nashville Alliance for Public Education
Courtney and R. Scott Pastrick
James B. Patterson
Cynthia and Donald L. Poarch
Harold S. Pryor
The Reeves Foundation
Cammie and John G. Rice
Mary Jo and Brian C. Rogers
Mary and William T. Schleyer
Jocelyn Bowie and David Semmel
John Templeton Foundation
Elizabeth and Edward I. Weisiger Jr.
Chancellor’s Council
(Annual gifts of $10,000–$24,999)
Lisa and Richard A. Boehne
Margaret Williams Braff and Douglas P. Braff Sr.
Ann and Kevin G. Brolley
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Rachel Swords Fetridge
Mary and Thomas B. Finan Jr.
Carolyn and Terry W. Hamby
Kathryn and Jack L. Howard
The George Frederick Jewett Foundation
Margaret Looney McAllen
Joyce and Lee S. Neibart
Organization for Autism Research
Frances and Paul D. Rubacha
Catherine Eaton Schwab
Cynthia and Allan R. Williams
Dean’s List
(Annual gifts of $5,000–$9,999)
Margaret Taylor Almeida and Antonio J. Almeida Jr.
American Psychological Association
Jana Banahan Cogburn and Brian Cogburn
Frances Von Stade Downing and John O. Downing
Louis Draughon Foundation
Anne-Marie and Peter G. Embiricos
Tricia L. Everest
Paulette and Lewis J. Frazee
Joan Getz
Iris and Frederick S. Green
Anneal and L. Cade Havard
Sarita and Robert B. Hixon
Cynthia and G. Kent Kahle
Amy and Edward S. Knight
Charles Kurz II
Dorothy J. Kurz
Bonnie Terwilliger Leadbetter
Lisa and Cary J. Malkin
Julia and A. Brooks McKinney
Jan and Rex V. McPherson II
Lauren and David Murphy
Cheryl Reintjes Nichols and Gerald T. Nichols
Eleanor and Charles D. Owen III
Jordan McLain Padgett
Margaret and William R. Pfeiffer
H. Dean Propst
Kellye and William B. Pyle
Claudia and Daniel L. Quinn
Sara and Eugene S. Schindler Jr.
Elizabeth and Rodney E. Slifer
Lisa and Steven Tomares
Sandra A. Worley and Marc J. Walfish

Educators Circle
(Annual gifts of $2,500–$4,999)
Lynn and Terry W. Bird
Joanna and Benjamin A. Boyer
Barbara and Russell L. Brown
Jane Rogers Bryan
Campbell and Donald W. Burton
Wendy and Brad S. Chayet
Dianne Shofner Doochin and Jerald H. Doochin
Donna and Jeffrey B. Eskind
Cherrie Forte Farnette
Katherine and James P. Hickey
Virginia Perry Johnson and Richard L. Johnson
Janet and Mark S. Landau
Nita and Philip A. Maddox
Jere Pinson Phillips and Alton W. Phillips Jr.
Rebecca Mitchell Quigley and Timothy B. Quigley
Hal R. Ramer*
Nancy Chickering Rhoda and Richard G. Rhoda
Nora Wellman Rich and D. Tate Rich
Emma and David L. Robertson
Susan and Matthew Ross
Amy L. Rich and Edmund J. Schmidt III
Nancy and Kirk Scobey Jr.
Laura G. Sheedy
Alexander C. Taylor Jr.
Jacqueline Glover Thompson and DeWitt C. Thompson IV
United Way of Metro Nashville
Linda Herring Welborn and William R. Welborn Jr.
Carlotta and Wendell L. Willkie II
(Annual gifts of $1,000–$2,499)
Graham N. Abell
Elizabeth Nedelkoff Akers and T. Clark Akers
Katherine and Thomas C. Alsup
Ann and Peter P. Appert
Helen C. Atkeson
Sarah Crawford Barron and Charles E. Barron
Edith M. Bass
Thomas A. Battan
Mary and John E. Beasley
Camilla Benbow and David Lubinski
Christine and Robert L. Betack
Betty Grice Bibb
Luana and Richard A. Bogue
Edward J. Boling
Brian Bowling
Timothy C. Caboni
Theresa and Douglas J. Cahill
Lori and Peter Clauson
Sara and David R. Cobb
Caren and Arturo Constantiner
Reba Blevins Cornet and Estill Cornet
Sarah Keith Cutchins DeMoss
Karen and Pat DiPietrantonio
George W. Duke
Lorie and Gavin Duke
Joan White Ehlers
Nicholas W. Emigholz
Kay and Dan A. English III
Carolyn and William W. Featheringill
Roz and William A. Fink
Ellen and C. Houston Gillespy Jr.
Suzanne and James D. Goudge
Gary E. Gross
Elizabeth Schwartz Hale
Alicia Cooke Hartley and William T. Hartley
Betty Howard Hilliard and James C. Hilliard
Dennis W. Hirsch
Maria Cheng Hsieh
Mary Lee Whitehead Jackson and Granbery Jackson III
Ann and Clifford S. Jury
Stephen G. Kaufman
C. O’Kelly (Kelly) and Curtis R. Kayem
Estee Marsh Kellogg
Sheila and Frank S. King Jr.
Charles Knight
Charles Kurz III
Marguerite and Brian F. Landry
Angela Stavropoulos Laurite
Hillary H. Ling
Jean Gray Litterer
Anne and Leonard L. Long Jr.
GaBriella Castillo and Gerald J. Longa
Edward R. MacKay
Caroline and David Marren
Larrie Del and Joseph G. Martin Jr.
Paula Johnson Martin
Sara Sherwood McDaniel and Allen P. McDaniel
Suzanne Bigham McElwee
Ann Marie Mathis McNamara and Martin F. McNamara III
Sally Brooks Meadows and William H. Meadows
Leila and Walter M. Mischer
Denise and William Monteleone Jr.
Dalynne Moore
Kimball Johnson Moriniere and David Moriniere
Raymond Murov
Geraldine G. Murphy
Ives Wooley Ort and Eddie P. Ort III
Cynthia Myers Park
Elizabeth Craig Parkinson and Andrew B. Parkinson
Shirley Bryant Patterson and Harold D. Patterson
M. Carr Payne Jr.
Lynn Clayton and Eugene B. Pennell
Edward A. Reynolds
Terrie L. Rice
Delphine Oman Roberts and Kenneth L. Roberts
Rowena and Robert C. Rothman
Penny and Samuel P. Rothrock
Sarah Conley Rowan and William H. Rowan Jr.
Susan and Ralph R. Russo
Nancy Berk Saperstone
Leona Schauble
Carolyn Neuwoehner Schmidt and Chester A. Schmidt III
Susan and Eugene B. Shanks Jr.
Sharon L. Shields
Jacqueline B. Shrago
Elizabeth Shapiro Silverman and Stephen I. Silverman
Beth Dorfman Spenadel and Joel Spenadel
Alice and Kenneth W. Starr
B.F. (Jerry) Stephens
Deborah and Jack E. Thomas Jr.
Cathy and William E. Turner Jr.
United Way of Williamson County
Susan and Eugene H. Vaughan
Michael P. Vriesenga
Sarah Davis Warner and Andrew W. Warner
Gina Godfrey Wasson and John M. Wasson
Rhonda and J. Russell Welch
Mary and Michael G. Welsh
Dudley Brown White and John W. White*
Kenneth Whitted
Catherine and J. Bruce Williams Jr.
Irene and W. Ridley Wills II
Linde Bracey Wilson and Blair J. Wilson
Ruth and Mark Wolery
Lauren Wilson Young
Young Alumni Roundtable Members
Elizabeth Williams Barge and Brooks P. Barge
Thomas E. Getten
Emily Hicks Maggart and Stephen P. Maggart
Olympia T. Shields
Jessica Rasmussen Sims and David P. Sims
W. Gray Stream

(Annual gifts of $250–$999)
Elizabeth Lamar Allen and Thomas N. Allen
Jo Anne Craig Anderson
Mary C. Bounds and Peter C. Applebome
Paul M. Arsenault
Edward R. Atkinson Jr.
Margaret J. Sieck and Robert H.B. Baldwin Jr.
Kay and Walter G. Barnes
Jane Farrar Baxter and George W. Baxter Jr.
Melanie and Joseph (Thad) Beck
Diane and Paul R. Becker
Aimee Favrot Bell and Michael J. Bell
Emma L. Bermudez
Evan Blackmon
Shannon Davis Blocker
Makeba Williams Boatwright and Damond W. Boatwright
Leonard Bradley
Stephanie Hendrix Brakefield and James P. Brakefield
Holly West Brewer and Gordon L. Brewer
Mary Ann Brown
Gloria Miller Bruce and Ray E. Bruce
Eliza Sedgwick Brunson and Stuart T. Brunson
Georgia Hobbins Campbell and W. Stanley Campbell
MayMee Miller Cantrell and Harvey E. Cantrell
Randi and Barry A. Carr
Ruth Latimer Carr and Charles M. Carr
Betty Sanchez-Catanese and Anthony J. Catanese
Dorothea and Warren A. Christie
Valeria and John H. Cobb
Lisa F. Cohen
LeRoy L. Cole Jr.
Alice Brunson Coleman and G. Byrns Coleman
Yvonne and Bernard B. Connors
Betty Sue Cook
Susan and Martin F. Crean
Catherine LaSala Crecion
Joyce Phillips Cross and Silas B. Cross
Carolyn and David W. Culley
Dorothy and Allan S. Curtis
Deborah Davies
Teresa Gosnell Doggett
Carol Schwieger Dusek and Mark W. Dusek
Sara R. Englis
Marta and Raul J. Estevez
Kay and Frank Failla
Dale C. Farran
Jimmie Robinson Felder
Dana and Howard Feldman
Marie C. Zufelt and John B. Fetherstonhaugh
Kathleen Ravenel Finlay
Felicia Marockie Fisher and Michael J. Fisher
M. Bradley King Fogelman and Robert F. Fogelman II
Hannah Bonner Fowler
Laura Riddles Freeman and Jeremy H. Freeman
Janet and Walter J. Fuchs
Susan and Bryan S. Ganz
Christine R. Bryke and Anthony Garber
Laurie G. Weber and Steven P. Germansky
Risa and Howard S. Goldberg
Elizabeth and Erik B. Granade
Molly Middleton Green
June Richards Griest and Wayne H. Griest
Patricia Keil Grimm
M. Katharine Nixon Grosek and David C. Grosek
Jerry W. Hale
Claudia Wardlaw Hamilton
Mary E. Hannah
Natalie Hill Hardee
Tracey Robinson Harris
James T. Harris
Fred S. Hatchett
Robyn and Michael L. Hawkins
The HCA Foundation
Ralph E. Helser
Anne Morton Hepfer and Christian J.W. Hepfer
Marilyn Christopher Hessel
Heather Tannen Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Hofwolt
Benjamin C. Holbrook
Nancy Brewster Hubbard
Rebecca Huss-Keeler
Donna Sir Johnson
Ruth M. Johnson
Suellen and Larry M. Kadis
Michelle Kellum
Brian T. Kelly
Donald A. King
James W. Klenke
Gloria Florence Knight and Roger D. Knight
Terry Ross and Walter Knorr
Sandra G. Koczwara
Sharon and Peter Kossoy
Michele and William Landes
Bennie R. Lane
Karen and Robert Lange
John G. Leatherwood
Ralph G. Leverett
Lifetouch National School Studios
Teris Schery and Mark W. Lipsey
Lisa Lucas Littlejohn and James H. Littlejohn
Mary Harlan Mahaffey and Mike Mahaffey
Whitney Mason
Deborah H. McBride
Rachel Malpass McCall
Carol Worrall McCarty and J. Hunter McCarty
Lynne Luckey McFarland
Margarett Fields McKeel and Sam S. McKeel
Donna B. McNamara
Wendy and David H. Meaden
Catherine Ramsey Meehan and Andrew J. Meehan
Benetta and Craig F. Miller
Haroldine Clark Miller and Jack W. Miller
Heather Fairbank and Roswell C. Miller Jr.
Jayne Ann Waggener Milling and R. Clay Milling II
Janet Henry and Vernon L. Moore
Ladell H. Morgan
Julia and John A. Morris Jr.
Courtney Roe Mott and William R. Mott
Grace E. Mowbray
Doris Wiggins Mowrey
Joyce Lytle Munden and Wallace J. Munden
Harold D. Murphy
Lisa and Roy E. Naturman
Kathryn Wolff Nelson and Henry S. Nelson
Mary Wagner Nicholas
Mae F. Nix
Janis Cobb Norris and Fletcher R. Norris
Annette Isaki Okimoto and Ray I. Okimoto
Linda and David C. Oliver
Melanie Bennett Overton
Robert M. Parish
Betty and Franklin Parker
Donna Brandon Parrish and Charles E. Parrish
Sharon Bennett Pattillo
John D. Perry Jr.
Dee and Thomas D. Peterson
Barbara Gregg Phillips and Robert A. Phillips Jr.
Sarah Rhyne Pierce and Edgar H. Pierce Jr.
Patricia Owen Powers and John M. Powers
Nancy and Charles F. Rice
Travis H. Richmond
Sal D. Rinella
Victoria J. Risko
Tracy Vaughn Robb
Laurie Anne Ferguson Roberts and William D. Roberts
Cordelia Robinson Rosenberg and Steven A. Rosenberg
Beverly and James R. Russo
Patricia and Edwin S. Ryan Jr.
N. Marshall Schools
Lana Turner Sergent
Diana L. Shields
Stephanie F. Silverman
Mary Ann Smith
Susan E. Hylen and Theodore A. Smith
Mia Alexander-Snow and Jeffery N. Snow
Helen W. Sterling
Louise V. Sutherland
Carol Gibney Thigpin
Robert Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Villarreal
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Viviano
Roland S. Waguespack III
Lauren M. Walfish
Patricia Palmore Walker and Robert K. Walker Jr.
Michael P. Ward
Philip T. Westbrook
Carol R. Westlake
James R. Whittington
Wendy S. Tucker and Jonathan F. Wing
Woo Cosmetics
Jacqueline and Justin G. Wood
Julie James Wooley and Dudley D. Wooley
Mona and Donald E. Wright
Karen Rauch Wright and Jeffrey M. Wright
Deborah Dodd Yoder and Paul J. Yoder
William D. Zink