All good things must come to an end. As my term as president of the Vanderbilt Alumni Association Board of Directors comes to a close, I am reminded about exciting changes that have taken place the past couple of years and look forward to the future—of both Vanderbilt and the Alumni Association.
My fellow board members have completed an amazing amount of work. I’ve watched a very qualified and capable board revise the bylaws of the Alumni Association and improve the structure of the board itself, all while encouraging wider participation among Alumni Association members at large.
Under the expert guidance of Carroll Kimball, BA’84, the board embarked upon a strategic planning process that I believe will strengthen and focus the mission of the Alumni Association for years to come. Even during that ambitious process, the board and the alumni relations staff managed to create new benefits of association membership and increase the number of student/alumni outreach opportunities dramatically while also making those opportunities more focused and effective.
This month a new electronic newsletter, Alumni eXclusive, will debut that will keep alumni better informed about activities of the Alumni Association. Opportunities for alumni to get involved through campus organizations and special-interest groups like the AVBA will continue to increase as we investigate and offer benefits that appeal to our alumni.
My able successor, John Hindle, BA’68, PhD’81, has been instrumental in the conception and drafting of the new bylaws, and was integral to the strategic planning process. He brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the Vanderbilt Alumni Association.
I’ve been fortunate during my term to travel to chapter events all over the country and meet fellow alumni with whom I’m exceptionally proud to have Vanderbilt in common, particularly given the university’s rise in national and international reputation during the past decade. Your participation in the Alumni Association can contribute significantly to that ascendancy. Through time, effort, involvement and resources, we all can make Vanderbilt a better place for those who follow in our footsteps.
Thank you for the opportunity you have given me. Calling myself president of your Alumni Association truly has been an honor.
Billy Ray Caldwell, BA’85
President, Vanderbilt Alumni Association