Research News

Vanderbilt receives grant from Nasdaq Stock Market; Owen Graduate School of Management will study financial markets

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The Nasdaq Stock Market Educational Foundation Inc. has awarded the Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management a $45,000 grant to support Owen’s Financial Markets Research Center (FMRC).

The FMRC was founded in 1987 to promote the discussion and research of important policy issues tied to financial markets. The grant will be given in three annual installments of $15,000.

“We are delighted that the Nasdaq Educational Foundation has agreed to support the work of the Financial Markets Research Center,” said Hans Stoll, FMRC’s director and the Anne Marie and Thomas B. Walker Professor of Finance. “The funds will be used to maintain research databases, provide research grants for projects in financial markets and support workshops.”

The grant will also be used to organize and host conferences. Stoll said the FMRC is noted for bringing together academic researchers, industry experts, regulators and students in a unique mix of research with policy and practice. Past conferences have focused on world trading markets, financial markets reform, the stock market crash of 1987, corporate behavior in financial markets and coping with global volatility.

Stoll said the FMRC and its affiliated faculty have had a significant impact in stimulating research on the financial markets, affecting regulatory policy and in improving business practices.

The Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management is ranked as a top institution by BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Financial Times and Forbes. For more information about Owen, visit

Media contact: Amy Wolf, (615) 322-NEWS