Turn that off! Can college students live without media or technology?; Vanderbilt students prepare to undergo a 24-hour “blackout”

It seems these days young people can‘t live without their cell phones, iPods, laptops, gaming systems and especially television. A Vanderbilt professor is putting that theory to the test. Bruce Barry, a professor of management and sociology, is challenging a class of students to go 24 hours without using any media or technology.

“I told my students if you plug it in or it has a battery don‘t use it,” said Barry. “It‘s easier to engage students in critical thinking about how technology affects their lives if they get a snapshot of what it‘s like to live without it.”

The students have from Thursday, Jan. 25, until Tuesday, Jan. 30, to pick a 24-hour window to go electronics-free. On Tuesday, Jan. 30, the students will come together to discuss what it was like for a generation so immersed in technology to go without it.

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Media Contact: Amy Wolf

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