Vanderbilt University expert available on Pluto

(Broadcast media note: Vanderbilt has a campus broadcast facility with a dedicated fiber optic line for live TV interviews and a radio ISDN line. Call (615) 322-2706, a 24/7 number, to schedule all interviews.)

David Weintraub, professor of astronomy at Vanderbilt University, is the author of the upcoming book Is Pluto a Planet?, to be released in the fall by Princeton University Press. In the book, Weintraub argues that Pluto, and many other celestial objects, should be considered planets, contrary to the International Astronomical Union’s vote Aug. 24 in Prague.

Weintraub is available to discuss his research and conclusions on Pluto’s status, the history of the debate about the definition of a planet and can answer questions about the issues raised by current deliberations of the IAU.

Media contacts: Melanie Moran, (615) 322-NEWS,
David Salisbury, (615) 343-6803,

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