Little Texas member produces new PSA for Vanderbilt

A new public service announcement for Vanderbilt University features an urgent drum cadence by the “Spirit of Gold” Marching Band Drumline accompanied by images showing student and academic life.

The PSA, put together by country music star and Vanderbilt alumnus Dwayne O’Brien, packs into 30 seconds scenes from classrooms, research laboratories, commencement and more. The spot is being shown at Vanderbilt basketball games this season at Memorial Gym, and is also aired when Vanderbilt athletic contests are televised.

“Athletics are wonderful activities, but I was trying to show that there is also excitement and personal growth in the academic and student life on campus,” said O’Brien, a member of country music band Little Texas who in May became the first graduate of Vanderbilt’s master’s degree in Communications of Science, Engineering and Technology.

“This kind of project allows me to bring together my experience in academia and show business, which is very rewarding,” O’Brien said.

Beth Fortune, associate vice chancellor of for public affairs, said the PSA “captures the vitality of the Vanderbilt campus in a compelling and dazzling way.

“That it was created by a recent graduate with considerable talent makes it even more special, and we are excited about showcasing the spot at athletic events, on television and on the Web.”

Media contact: Jim Patterson, (615) 322-NEWS

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