Impact of changes to the Supreme Court: Suzanna Sherry, Cal Turner Professor of Law and Leadership at Vanderbilt Law School, is available to discuss the recent changes to the Supreme Court, including the confirmation of a new chief justice and the nomination of a person to fill the vacancy left by Sandra Day O’Connor. She also can discuss what will happen in the coming months as O’Connor continues to hear cases she may not be around to decide and what happens procedurally if a ninth justice joins the court mid-term.

Sherry is considered one of the top scholars in the field of constitutional law and the Supreme Court. She has followed closely Sandra Day O’Connor’s judicial decisions and has written both a law review article and several encyclopedia entries about her. She also is author of “The Gender of Judges.” Sherry often is asked to provide federal district and court of appeals judges with a review of recently completed U.S. Supreme Court terms.

The politics of the Supreme Court appointment: Stefanie Lindquist, associate professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt University, is an expert on the politics surrounding Supreme Court nominations.

Stefanie Lindquist has written or co-written numerous articles and made presentations concerning “The Impact of Presidential Appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court”; “Not the Whole Story: The Impact of the Justices’ Values on Supreme Court Decision Making”; “Weakening the Ties that Bind: Cohesive and Divisive Voting within Presidential Blocs on the U.S. Supreme Court”; and “Judicial Review in the Rehnquist Court: Explaining Justices’ Responses to Constitutional Challenges.” She is working on an article about judicial activism in the Supreme Court.

To interview Sherry or Lindquist, call 615-322-2706. After business hours, call anytime at 615-951-5472 (the Vanderbilt News Service pager).

Media contact: Susanne Hicks, 615-322-2706

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